Choose Hosting Plan

Ensure growth of your brilliant ideas and great businesses with Sheba Host powerful server, system & network solutions

20% save

Classic Hosting

Everything need to your website

$ 2.99 / month
  • 1 Core Processor
  • 2GB RAM
  • 10GB NVMe SSD
  • 5 Websites/Domains
  • 24/7/365 Support
  • 100 NPROC
  • 128MBp/s I/O
  • cPanel Control Panel
  • 99.99% Uptime

Standard Hosting

Everything need to your website

$ 3.99 / month
  • 2 Core Processor
  • 4GB RAM
  • 20GB NVMe SSD
  • 10 Websites/Domains
  • 24/7/365 Support
  • 200 NPROC
  • 265MBp/s I/O
  • cPanel Control Panel
  • 99.99% Uptime

Advance Hosting

Everything need to your website

$ 5.90 / month
  • 4 Core Processor
  • 6GB RAM
  • 50GB NVMe SSD
  • 20 Websites/Domains
  • 24/7/365 Support
  • 400 NPROC
  • 512MBp/s I/O
  • cPanel Control Panel
  • 99.99% Uptime

Ultimate Hosting

Everything need to your website

$ 9.99 / month
  • 6 Core Processor
  • 12GB RAM
  • 100GB NVMe SSD
  • 30 Websites/Domains
  • 24/7/365 Support
  • 500 NPROC
  • 1024MBp/s I/O
  • cPanel Control Panel
  • 99.99% Uptime

Chooses Hostie

Own your virtual presence with the power of Hostie with 1.5 million websites already under our care.

Money-Back Guaranteed

If your website is slow or down then you losing customers.

Fast & Reliable

If your website is slow or down then you losing customers.

Super Easy to Use

If your website is slow or down then you losing customers.

24/7 Expert Support

If your website is slow or down then you losing customers.

BDIX Web Hosting Advanced Features

We’ll move your first website to Cloud ways from any web host for without breaking your live site hosted on the old host.

  • Unlimited MySQL Databases
  • Reseller & Sub Accounts
  • Hostie Control Panel
  • Secure Shell (SSH) Access
  • Full Unix Shell
  • IPv6 Support
  • Access to Raw Log Files
  • Unlimited SFTP Users

Our Client Feedback

We’re honored and humbled by the great feedback we receive from our customers on a daily basis.

They are very helpful & give fast replies to the customer.

Monirul Islam Business Owner

Alhamdulillah sebahost provides very good service. I can run a very fast website with the service from the service host.

Md Rahul Kabir Business Owner

আগের কোম্পানির চেয়ে আপনাদের সার্ভিস খুব ভালো লাগছে, কোন সমস্যা নিয়ে নক দিলে সাথে সাথে রেসপন্স করেন। শুভ কামনা

Monsur Alam Business Owner

খুব ভালো সার্ভিস পাচ্ছি। যে কোন সময়ে নক করলে রেসপন্স পাওয়া যায়। বেশ আন্তরিক। I am using Shebahost Plan in Reseller ways and I can confirm it is very good.

Mehedy Hasan Business Owner

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